Houses of Japan

Live in the country
of your dream
at a lower cost

Buy a house in the country of your dream,
for cheap and without breaking the bank, it's possible !

Examples of annoncements you will encounter
on Instagram

Exemples of Japanese Houses published in Houses of Japan instagram account - Free Japanese house
Exemples of Japanese Houses published in Houses of Japan instagram account - $39.000  Traditional Japanese House at Shiga Prefecture, JAPAN
Exemples of Japanese Houses published in Houses of Japan instagram account - $70.000  Traditional KOMINKA Japanese House at Shimane Prefecture, JAPAN
Exemples of Japanese Houses published in Houses of Japan instagram account - The best FOUND - $150.000 Luxurary Cheap and Traditional Villa at Kumamoto Prefecture, JAPAN
Exemples of Japanese Houses published in Houses of Japan instagram account - TWO houses for ONE, ONLY in JAPAN for just $242,000 perfect for RBNB in JAPAN at Nagano Prefecture
Exemples of Japanese Houses published in Houses of Japan instagram account - Ghibli Castle Traditional House $260.000 for the price of an ordinary property in Europe, Only in Japan

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If you are viewing this page, it is because you are looking for your dream house in Japan ! That's why I scan hundreds of pages every week on Japanese real estate sites to find properties suitable for all kinds of income, but more particularly good real estate deals ranging from 0 to 200K dollars to live your dream at an affordable price. You may have heard that in Japan, some houses are given away for free. So you may be able to enjoy serenely from a pied-a-terre in the country.

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Your subscription to the Newsletter will allow you to receive more announcements. You will be able to know the exact location of the houses, get access to the original links of the real estate through an interactive map and in addition have access to a "script" to communicate with Japanese real estate agents. Every week, no less than 20 relevant ads according to my research, will fall directly into your mailbox, that is 80 announcements in the month and maybe among one of them, your future home!

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But why are some houses in Japan so cheap?


Taxes and real estate prices in Japan are incredibly low when it comes to aging homes, especially in rural towns.

Indeed, the Japanese prefer to invest in new buildings and/or in large cities with high density, where there are more job opportunities, as well as the convenience and proximity of their homes to their places of work. This is a major criterion for the Japanese who mainly have few vacations and especially very busy schedules, since their job does not allow them to waste time in transport and housework.
To add to this, due to very low immigration and a very unpopular country to invest in real estate, it creates series of opportunities for all those who's dreams are to live in this country, or for the holidays.
Before this country falls victim to its popularity further, now is the perfect time to invest in real estate!

Photo illustrating cheap houses in Japan - Street and typical Japanese house
Photo of the developer and manager of Houses of Japan, when he was little with his Japanese mother in Japan

Who am I ? Photo of owner of housesofjapan

こんにちは everyone! 😊 I'm Kento, a half-Japanese who grew up in Japan, spending my childhood in a typical Japanese house. My Japanese grandfather, a former real estate agent, passed on to me his passion for real estate in Japan, which still makes me dream so much.

Time having passed, it is today as a computer developer that I developed this website and with strong real estate knowledge in my country, that I have decided to share with you my Japanese roots and more particularly to undertake my passion for real estate which is close to my heart. Accessible to all, for all kinds of income, in pursuit of your dream, to acquire your first property in this little jewel, which is my country.

Feel free to follow me on my personal social network

Do you wish to own a house in Japan ?

Refer back to my blog where I explain to you step by step, the proceedings that will make you realize your dream !

Newsletter 6 reasons to subscribe

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You will also receive 3 weekly vocabulary updates on traditional home features and update you on major News in japan, real estate-related, expat details..

Communication Scripts + Japanese Floor Plan

Questions/answers (EN/JAP),
to ask both basic but important questions to the Japanese agents.
+ A guide that offers comprehensive
overview on reading Japanese floor plans.

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We guide you through every step,
from visits and negotiations to
paperwork and closing .

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That's 80 ads every month,
the most relevant Japanese houses.